Hi everyone!!
It has been a long weekend... Full of activities, events and work waiting to be done. Didn't go back to see my darlings this weekend since my ex-schoolmate, Laura, and herFriend Helga, are having their hen nite @ bachelorette party. Practically I'm a 'mak-ayam' since I'm married, :D, luckily there's another friend in the same boat as I am... Was held at a serviced apartment in the heart of BB, all girls, 11 of us. Basically it's like having a western meal - the cold appetiser, then came the main dish and ends with the dessert. Wouldn't detail it out, still waiting for the pictures from a dear friend who's still jet-lagged in UK. Tunggu jak lah.
While we were busy partying, the midnite news came with a shocking piece on Yasmin Ahmad death. Sempat gak we all pray in silence for 1 minute before resuming our party. She was so talented, sensitive to her surroundings and her stories are so full of love and forgiveness; not forgetting her heartbreaking ad for Petronas all these years. There will be no more Sepet, Gubra, Mukhsin, Talentime... No more sweet Tan Hong Ming and his girlfriend... I will truly miss her tearjerking ad, and I think of her as the utmost champion of unity long before 1Malaysia. All my love, Yasmin, and may you rest in peace... Truly a legacy!
Luckily I am still sober the next day to drive Laura home. And grab some curry puffs from Ikea. And rearrange the furniture in my rented apartment. Alih punya alih, i teroverhaul the dining area. Lupak ambik gambar sebelum, gambar selepas pun boleh juak nak?
The gerberas were from Ikea, same as the vase and the placemat. I took off the owner’s alas and replaced it with a shawl instead. Haha! Semua green.. At least I have a comforting home to return to...
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