Thursday, November 05, 2009

Cuepacs, buck up!!!

My mornings have always started with a routine -- on the laptop, air my office room, get a nice, hot cup of Milo and start reading the online news. The favs would be The Star and Berita Harian. Occasionally I would glance at Malaysiakini, or Borneo Post, just to have some news at home... But today's headlines totally caught my attention and I cannot help but wonder if people are getting more selfish nowadays???

1st headline was the comment made by our PM on Cuepacs demand for a 2-month bonus in this very critical economic crisis. I quote " is morally wrong for Cuepacs to make such a request when the Government is making efforts to ride out of the global economic crisis..."

Being a govt servant myself, I am so glad that my allowance have not being cut. Instead the govt decided to extend the RM500 to grade 41-54, which I dare say is a very brave move. Although the govt has been known to allocate a large sum for its operating expenditure (which of course comes from the rakyat) maybe the rakyat has to realise, that's where the free services comes from. Even banks and telcos charge us to print our statements! Govt have been so frugal in it's spending, that even some have to work weekends without OT. Because the rakyat wants them to. Because the rakyat wants us govt servants to work our a** off like we are no humans but robots.

I have work in both private and govt, and it is obvious that govt nowadays are so much different from the 90s and before. Work piles up on your table, meetings have to be done in such a hurried way (we had to do it like Although there are certain level of govt servants that are not so busy, or have some attitude problems, the rest are simply overwhelmed with work.

Which is why I have to cut short my yakkings this morning.

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