Friday, June 10, 2005


I have always been slow on Fridays. Working like there's no end is not appealing to me. Yet I dunno how I ever end up where I am today.

Boss is on leave, without informing me. And HE assigned me a task which needed to be completed by Monday. The input is with him and I just struggle to make do with what I have.

Yesterday on my way back from work the workshop called. Informed me that the repair works would cost me around RM10k and above... Yikes!!! And I wouldn't have a car for the next 3 months or so... =( I mean, how could a repair be so expensive. It is already one-third the cost of my car! And mine is a malaysian car. Supposedly to be very cheap with more than enough spare parts available. Aaaarrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel so lifeless, so hopeless...

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