Monday, August 22, 2005

Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka!!

The month of merdeka has kicked off again, with plenty of campaigns to the public to mengibarkan the Jalur Gemilang. However I noticed that the Malaysians are not as excited as they were 5 years ago. Perhaps the haze dampens the moods of a celebrated independence.
Talking about merdeka, somehow the public has been confused by the terms used by the government and the media for the 31st August celebration. Some use the ‘Hari Kemerdekaan’, and plenty use the term ‘Hari Kebangsaan’. The Government should be more adamant in the usage of these terms as they refer to different meanings altogether. My understanding for Hari Kemerdekaan is the day to celebrate our beloved country’s independence of penjajahan. As for the latter term, I would likely refer it to the celebration of the union of Malaya, then Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak, which leads to the pembentukan Malaysia. And that was on the 16th of September 1963. however it was less celebrated, which as a Sarawakian, I do feel disappointed.

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